Laser tattoo removal is simple, safe, and produces fantastic results. The advanced technology works by allowing the light produced by the laser to pass through the skin and break up the tattoo ink into tiny particles. The body then disposes of these fragments via its immune system. It usually takes several treatment sessions to ensure success, with minimum 4-week intervals between sessions

Remove all colours of tattoos
Suitable for most skin types
Non aggressive to skin
Safe and effective solution to unwanted tattoos
Strictest medical protocols
Clinical and safe environment



Natural Skin Color







What Is The Technique And Is It Safe?

Using the Allwhite3000 Nd Yag laser, we can safely and effectively remove tattoos, permanent make up, and skin pigmentation such as Nevus of Ota, age spots, sunspots and birthmarks. Tattoo ink particles are too large for the body’s immune system to remove naturally because when tattoo pigment is injected into the lower layers of the skin (dermis) it becomes locked away by a wall of collagen fibres. Q-switched lasers produce very short bursts of high energy laser light. The light is absorbed by the large ink particles, generating heat that shatters the tattoo pigment into minute particles which the body is able to remove. Because the tattoo ink selectively absorbs the laser energy, the surrounding skin doesn’t overheat and there is no lasting damage.

What is AW3 ND YAG Laser Q Switched and what can it be used for?

ND YAG stands for neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) which is a crystal that is used as a medium for laser treatments. In Q-switched mode, Nd YAG produces 2 wavelengths, one in the infrared range (1064 nm) and a second beam of 532 nm wavelength which is useful for superficial skin lesions. Q switching refers to the technique of making the laser produce a high intensity beam in very short pulses. We use Nd Yag to safely and effectively remove tattoos, permanent make up, and skin pigmentation such as Nevus of Ota, age spots, sunspots and birthmarks.

What skin types can we treat?

We can treat most skin types with the Allwhite3000 ND YAG Q-switch technology. If you are in good health (no serious health concerns) and do not have hypo/hyper- pigmentation, tanned or Keloid scarring in your family or personal history.

What colour tattoos can we remove?

In principle the laser can remove all kind of tattoos. Since all tattoos are not the same in terms of colour, depth of ink deposition as well as their chemical composition some may respond differently. Black, red dark orange and dark blue tattoos will typically respond better to treatment with laser. However Brown, purple, green, light orange, neon and light blue colours are harder to remove and will require more sessions.

How many sessions are needed?

Customers will see a reduction after the first treatment however to completely remove a tattoo multiple treatments are always required 4-6 weeks apart. With each successive treatment there is more clearance of ink. Over time, as the ink is gradually cleared, the tattoo colour intensity and appearance will fade.

Am I going to have to take time off?

No. Most people go back to work or school same day or next. The only exceptions may be my patients with multiple tattoos, sleeves or very large tattoos. Sometimes these patients choose to take a day off.

How long does the treatment take?

This depends on the size of the tattoo; a small tattoo might take 5 minutes, where a large, or multiple tattoos could take an hour or more of treatment. Again, the assessment will provide this information.

How much will removing my tattoo cost?

Tattoo removal is affordable. However, without an assessment of your tattoo and the number of treatments required, I cannot accurately provide you with a true picture of your investment.. Price quotes and phone estimates are good marketing tools not good medicine. I work with patients of all income levels and almost always find a way to help a patient meet their goals.

Does it hurt?

The level of pain felt will depend on the type of tattoos, the amount of treatment required and your own pain threshold. Some clients would describe it as no more than uncomfortable, where others will describe it as an elastic band flicked against the skin. The truth is that you will only know how painful you find it until you try it! We can offer advice on pain relief, which will be given during your assessment. You can apply numbing cream such as EMLA, at home, 1-2 hours before the appointment.

Does tattoo size determine the number of treatments needed?

No. Most people mistakenly believe that a tattoos size is the most important factor determining the number of treatments needed This is absolutely false. Other factors are much more important. Some large tattoos respond beautifully and some small tattoos are very difficult.

Can I lighten my tattoo in order to cover it with another tattoo?

Yes. Tattoo artists refer patients to lighten their tattoos before cover up work is performed. This often allows for greater choice in new tattoo design and improves the final result.

What areas of the body do you perform laser tattoo removal on?

We regularly treat unwanted semipermanent makeup/ microblading and tattoos of all sizes on the hands, neck, arms, legs, back, chest, breasts, stomach, buttock, legs, and feet. We do not treat some facial tattoos or intimate tattoos.

What Do Good Results Depend On

The safe and effective removal of a tattoo depends on a combination of the right experience, right technique, and right equipment.

There is no one laser or combination of lasers anywhere that can completely remove all tattoos and all colours. It is necessary however to have the right lasers with the right wavelengths to treat all the treatable colours and inks. Many tattoos respond beautifully with 95-99% fading. However, tattoo inks differ in their response to laser treatment and not all tattoos are equally treatable. There is no guarantee. There are over 100 or more tattoo inks in use worldwide today. Not knowing which tattoo ink, how much was used, or how deeply it was placed may make it impossible to precisely estimate the degree of removal possible or the number of treatments required for any given tattoo. The inks colours, physical and chemical composition, its depth and density, as well as location on the body and the person’s skin colour and healing tendencies are all critical factors. To generalise, black ink responds best. Skin pigmentation (tone) is also important, lighter skin responds much better than darker skin.

Laser Tattoo Removal Pre-Care
Clients scheduled for a laser tattoo removal treatment should make certain the skin is thoroughly cleaned and dried, removing any cosmetics, oils, creams, or self-tanning lotions. Areas to be treated must be shaved by the client no more than 2 days prior, to remove surface hair. Comfortable, loose fitting clothing that allows easy access to the treatment area should be worn. It is not recommended to take aspirin or ibuprofen before the treatment as this can produce pronounced bruising after the treatment is done.

Sun exposure, including tanning beds and the application of sunless tanning products, must be avoided for 4 weeks prior to the treatment. Sun exposure, tanning, and sunless tanning products decrease the effectiveness of the laser treatment and increase the chance of post-treatment complications.
Area to be treated must be clean, and free of any lotion, makeup, and sunscreen. If you have any of these on, they must be completely washed off prior to treatment.
Photosensitizing medication should be discontinued for a period of at least 6 months prior to receiving treatment and should not be used during your course of treatment.
Waxing and/or the use of chemical depilatories must be avoided in the treatment area for 4 weeks before and after the treatment to avoid skin sensitivity. You may not be pregnant for any treatment.
During the course of your treatments, notify staff of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment.
Non-aspirin products can be used, however, Ibuprofen and ice packs are strongly recommended post treatment as they can provide some pain relief and alleviate some swelling. If Emla cream or another topical anesthetic is being used, please make sure that it has been applied at least 1 hour prior to your appointment.

Laser Tattoo Removal Post Care
The treated area must be kept clean and dry. A shower can be taken the next day, although the treated area should never be scrubbed. If a scab forms it is vital that you so not pick or scratch it. If the skin becomes itchy and flaky, an unscented skin lotion may alleviate some of the discomfort. If the itchiness becomes too much, there are some anti-itching creams and sprays that may help.
Avoid public pools and hot tubs for 2 weeks.
During the length of treatments and for several months afterward, it is important to keep the treated area out of the sun and to use SPF 30 or greater if the sun exposure is unavoidable. This will help prevent permanent pigment changes to your skin. Tanning beds are to be strictly avoided.
A dressing can be used over the next few days if it is rubbing or getting dirty or if there has been blistering. Ice can be applied directly with a barrier between the ice and skin. Always use unscented soap and water when cleaning the treated area.
After the procedure, some redness, bruising, swelling, and blistering is possible, so is crusting. DON’T PANIC! It will heal after some time, usually a week to 10 days, but sometimes up to 6 weeks. It is critically important to take good care of the area to aid the healing process and to prevent infection. To ensure fast and safe healing, make use of a burn cream with regular dressing changes if necessary. An antihistamine can usually alleviate most of the symptoms of a mild allergic reaction. For more severe reactions, seek medical help immediately.

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