Cheek Fillers

The mid face area commonly loses volume as we age. Cheek fillers can help to replace the substances that diminish through ageing to restore a fuller, more youthful appearance. For those whose natural contours are not as prominent as they would wish, cheek fillers can provide the extra definition they desire.

Facial volume loss and skin laxity often occurs as a person gets older, caused by a decrease in bone mass. This reduction in support for the face and the underlying soft tissues results in the descent of the fat pads, which leads to sagging skin and a sunken appearance of the mid-face. Loss of volume can depend on a number of other factors, including: genetics, weight, environmental conditions and lifestyle choices. Using cheeks fillers to restore volume can help to improve the appearance as well as reducing the look of jowls, prominent nasolabial creases and other facial wrinkles.

Whether cheek fillers are to provide you with an effective anti-ageing solution or will act to enhance the definition of the mid-face area, a consultation at Pristine Vitality Center can enable a suitable treatment plan for you. Our experts administer dermal fillers by following your own natural contouring and will explain how they work within your own facial structure for subtle enhancement, contouring to help define or sharpen the appearance of the structure of the cheek or profile balancing where facial asymmetry is a concern.

The treatment is carried out by applying several small injections of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers along the cheekbone. The filler is carefully placed so that a more defined and pronounced cheekbone appearance is achieved, as well as helping smooth and lift the skin on the face. Furthermore, volumizing the mid cheek area can help to support the lower eyelid, and in many cases can improve the appearance of eye bags, tear troughs and hollows. It is important to understand the role of the muscles when injecting the face, and to use dermal filler injections to help control muscle movement so as to achieve the most natural possible result.

Following your treatment you will need to take care around the filled area. To ensure a successful outcome it will be important to avoid unnecessary touching / pressure for the first 6 hours. Extremes of heat or cold, vigorous exercise, lying down and leaning over will also need to be avoided for 4 – 6 hours.










6 – 12 MONTHS



Having an injectable treatment can put some people in doubt, often worried about how painful it will be. Everyone has a different level of tolerance, and this may be no different for an injectable treatment, such as cheek fillers. At Pristine Vitality Clinic you have the opportunity to have a topical numbing cream applied, before the treatment takes place, helping to minimize any discomfort that may be felt.


The immediate after effects from this treatment will commonly see swelling, redness and bruising. There may also be some slight aching and itching. These effects are temporary and will often have disappeared within 24 hours, with any bruising being easily covered using make-up. The risk of developing other complications is very low and these will be explained during your initial consultation, which may include: lumpiness under the skin, infection or patches of skin discoloration.


As a non-invasive procedure, cheek fillers do not often cause a great deal of downtime. From a medical perspective taking the day off is not necessary, however, many patients do this by way of preference. You should still be able to carry out your usual daily activities after having cheek fillers, but it is important to follow any after care instructions that you are given.

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